Socio Vocational Integration (SVI)​

This instructional service is a response to the need to diversify the training offered to adults who wish to enter the labour market, remain employed or pursue an education.​

It enables adults to create a career plan, development sociovocational skills, acquire professional competencies, and learn to plan and organize their job search. It offers adults the opportunity to adopt a process to update or develop skills in order to face the challenges associated with new workplace​ realities.​

  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Comfortable learning in group setting
  • Absence of behavioural issues that may interfere with the learning environment

Program Objectives

What our Program covers?

Work Skills

Life skills


Social Skills

Social Integration Services​ (SIS)​
This instructional service is designed for adults experiencing adjustment difficulties of a psychological, intellectual, social or physical nature.​
Socio Vocational Integration (SVI))

This instructional service is a response to the need to diversify the training offered to adults who wish to enter the labour market, remain employed or pursue an education.​

The C.A.R.E. Centre
We are a non-profit organization in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We offer a recreational and educational day program for adults over the age of 21 with physical disabilities.